
Applied Mathematics (B.S.)

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Applied mathematics is created in response to problems in science, engineering, and society. As an applied mathematician, you will be able to solve problems across career fields, using a variety of mathematical strategies. For example, constructing methods for multicriteria decision making requires discrete mathematics and statistics. Predicting how the financial markets will behave requires probability/statistics, analysis, and optimization. Analyzing how liquid flows around solids requires expertise in computational methods and analysis. With an applied mathematics background, you are prepared for careers in  insurance, electronics and computer manufacturing, logistics, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Illinois Tech's active learning approach is adept at preparing applied mathematics majors to use their skills to the fullest potential. The active learning approach requires teams of students from across disciplines to work together and solve problems, exposing students to a vast field of study.

Program Overview

Applied mathematics at Illinois Tech allows maximum flexibility, with strengths in contemporary applied topics. Our graduates work in a wide variety of career fields and they go to excellent graduate programs. Dual majors in mathematics and another field are common.

Career Opportunities

Our graduates work in financial and insurance companies as analysts, at computer companies as programmers and hardware developers, and in many different fields as researchers, as well as academia. They have gone to excellent graduate schools in mathematics (pure, applied, and financial), physics, design, accounting, and M.B.A. programs. Additional areas of employment include:

  • Actuary
  • Statistician
  • Federal government (multiple agencies and departments)