The M. A. and Lila Self Leadership Academy Presents: Examining and Designing Your Leadership Journey

George M. Langlois, Ph.D.
George Langlois, industry professor of psychology at Illinois Institute of Technology, is the executive director of the Center for Leadership Studies, the M. A. and Lila Self Leadership Academy, and the Center for Research and Service at Illinois Tech. He received his Ph.D. in industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology from Illinois Tech.
Over the last 20 years Langlois founded two nationally recognized consulting firms that have helped organizations achieve corporate objectives through the strategic alignment of human resources, practices, and processes. His areas of specialization include strategic planning, test validation, employee engagement surveys, action planning, change management, and executive assessment and coaching. Langlois’s consulting clients have included United Airlines, Dean Foods, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Capital One, Bank of Montreal, Motorola, Kraft, Bridgestone-Firestone, universities and colleges, municipal governments, trade associations, food manufacturers, health care systems, and scientific equipment manufacturers.
The M. A. and Lila Self Leadership Academy presents a seminar on “Examining and Designing Your Leadership Journey.” This seminar will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 10 a.m.–Noon in the McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Ballroom.
College is a time for self-discovery, personal growth, and achievements. This seminar will inspire participants to think critically about themselves to understand their values, strengths, and weaknesses. Using this knowledge, participants will curate an individualized plan for their future containing goals, next steps, and a general direction.