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Becker's Hospital Review

UChicago Medicine's Center for Healthcare Delivery Science and Innovation entered into a multiyear agreement with Illinois Tech's Institute of Design to use human-centered design to improve the patient experience and reduce inequities. Illinois Tech's Institute of Design's Equitable Healthcare Lab will provide UChicago Medicine with insights on how to implement new healthcare tools, provide training for employees and create more opportunities for more collaboration.


Starting in August 2023, students will be able to earn a Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Data Science, Master of Science in Information Technology, and Bachelor of Information Technology on Coursera's online learning platform, for a cost of less than $20,000 each.


“If (people) are feeling increased levels of stress, (it’s important) that they back off before it becomes a major challenge,” says Psychology Professor Patrick Corrigan. “A change in anything should be paid attention to. If you find yourself eating more or less, crying more, sleeping more or less, or in conflict more, these could all be signs that something may be going on.”


“The core experience of Mario is playgrounds,” says Jennifer deWinter, dean of Lewis College of Science and Letters and author of “Shigeru Miyamoto: Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda.” “It’s climbing and jumping and sliding and exploration. Look at that original movie, the core experience is the conflict. (The game has) never been about the conflict, it’s about the experience. How do you translate this experience?”

Aerospace America

How did Assistant Professor Mohammad Asadi and his colleagues make the single-cell battery behind their rechargeability breakthrough? They started with one key constraint: To be practical, the battery had to operate at room temperature. Previous room temperature designs contained a liquid electrolyte, the material that carries ions between the cathode and anode. But in 2019, Asadi set out to create a solid-state version, meaning one with a solid electrolyte. He wasn’t sure how rechargeable the battery would be, but at a minimum, he saw two potential advantages: safety, and the ability to reduce weight and volume.

Los Angeles Times

“There’s no such thing as a perfect game,” said Jennifer deWinter, dean of Lewis College of Science and Letters. “But if I had to ponder the brilliance of Tetris — and I think that is a fun thing to ponder — Tetris provides a pattern-based abstraction that allows people to go into a flow state, readily.”


The charge against former President Donald Trump “arises under New York law and it focuses on the falsification of a business record,” said Chicago-Kent Professor Harold Krent. “That’s a misdemeanor under New York state law, but it can be elevated to a felony if it’s found to be in connection with another criminal purpose, such as falsification of election filings, which might in fact be what’s at stake here.”