Technology Management and Licensing
More in Technology Management and Licensing
The Office of Technology Management and Licensing are working remotely, but staff remain available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. The best way to contact us is via email at technologydevelopment@iit.edu
Technology Management and Licensing supports innovation by facilitating the transfer of the University technology and inventions into the marketplace for public use and benefit. This office protects, markets and licenses the University’s technology and inventions; promotes collaboration with industry, investors and others in the technology commercialization ecosystem; and manages university inventions and commercialization processes.
Technologies Available for Licensing
This links to non-confidential summaries of IIT owned inventions.
Illinois Tech Patent and Copyright Policy
Contact Yi Zhang for instructions and additional information.
IP Analysis Tool: For faculty, staff, and students, contact OTD for patent analysis information and reports.
Contact Technology Management and Licensing
312.567.3029Other Contact Info
Yi Zhang, Manager
Technology Management and Licensing