
Ph.D. Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego (2009)
M.S. Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego (2006)
B.Tech. Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (2004)

Research Interests

Ankit Srivastava's research spans fundamental aspects of wave propagation in heterogeneous media, inverse material design for wave control, micromechanics and homogenization theory, mechanics and control strategies for soft robots, and data-driven mechanics. The application areas of the research include cloaking, shock wave mitigation, transducer design, vibration control, energy-flow control, Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and virtual sensors.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships


  • MMAE Excellence in Teaching Award, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2020
  • MMAE Excellence in Research Award, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2017
  • NSF CAREER Award: Transformation Elastodynamics and its Application to Wave Control in Solids, National Science Foundation, (award CMMI 1554033, $500,000), Feb 2016-Jan 2021


Google Scholar Citations


  • Wave propagation
  • Micromechanics and homogenization
  • Deep learning and data-driven mechanics
  • Optimization and inverse problems