Discrete Applied Mathematics Seminar by Dheer Desai: Minimum Spectral Radius Among All Graphs with Given Dissociation Number
Speaker: Dheer Desai, postdoctorate researcher, Memphis University
Title: Minimum Spectral Radius Among All Graphs with Given Dissociation Number
Several extremal graph problems involve considering a family of permissible graphs U along with two graph invariants u(G) and v(G) of interest. Within this family, we study the optimal values (maximum and minimum) of u(G) for fixed values of v(G), determine the growth rate of the optimal values, and classify the extremal graphs.
In this talk we will focus on the families U with a given dissociation number (and other generalizations of the independence number). We will take v(G) to be the number of vertices and optimize invariants u(G) such as the number of edges or the spectral radius of the adjacency matrix.
In particular, we extend past results of Huang, Geng, Li and Zhou for given order and dissociation number by approaching the problem from a different angle.
This is based on joint work with Vishal Gupta.
Discrete Applied Math Seminar
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