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IIT graduate Stanislav Stoupin (PHYS '07) co-authored the article " High-reflectivity high-resolution X-ray crystal optics with diamonds." Stanislav is a postdoctoral appointee at Argonne National...

Three physics alumni were among the winners of the 2010 IIT alumni awards: Sidney Coleman (PHYS '57), Paul Wattelet (PHYS '62), and Watts Humphrey (M.S. PHYS '50). The late Sidney Coleman (1937-2007)...

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Aditya Unni appeared on WBBM-TV Channel 2 discussing the chemicals that terrorist suspect Najibullah Zazi allegedly planned to use to make an explosive. Read the full...

Diep Nguyen, senior lecturer of chemistry and director of the professional science master's program in analytical chemistry, received the Dean's Excellence Award for Teaching. She focuses on the...