Research from New Angles

Lluís Antoni Jiménez Rugama pursued his Ph.D. at Illinois Tech exploring Quasi-Monte Carlo methods with Professor Fred Hickernell. He says the faculty’s connections with national laboratories and industry are impressive.

“During my Ph.D. thesis I was able to join forces with a team of physicists at Fermilab,” Jiménez says. “This exceptional opportunity taught me how to practically apply key mathematical concepts into real world problems.”

Jiménez says his research opportunities helped develop a well-rounded academic experience, as well as build lasting collaborative relationships.

“The most important research project I did was my thesis, which is a compendium of smaller projects each with its own set of collaborators,” Jiménez says. “It was fantastic to learn from all the people I met along the way. Since we all had different backgrounds it was fascinating to learn how the same topic or mathematical formula can be expressed differently depending on your formation. The collaborative nature of this work taught me to evaluate problems from different perspectives.”