- GridIIT’s and the OSG’s computing resources are only available to Illinois Tech faculty members with the proper presentation of a grant or project title.
- Researchers shall only use GridIIT and the OSG to perform work and/or transmit or store data in a manner that is consistent with the stated goals and policies of Illinois Tech and the Office of Technology Services (OTS).
- Researchers shall not use GridIIT or the OSG for any unlawful purpose and shall not breach or circumvent, or attempt to breach or circumvent, any GridIIT or OSG administrative or security controls.
- Researchers shall respect copyright and confidentiality agreements and protect their GridIIT and OSG credentials (e.g., private keys, passwords, etc.), sensitive data, and files.
- Researchers shall immediately report any known or suspected security breach or misuse of GridIIT, the OSG, and/or grid credentials to the GridIIT Administrator at rdc-support@iit.edu
- The use of GridIIT and the OSG is at the researcher’s own risk. There is no guarantee that the computer grids will be available at any given time or that they will suit every purpose. Moreover, the OSG operates outside of the control of the university.
- Logged information, including information provided by the user for registration purposes, shall be used for administrative, operational, accounting, monitoring, and security purposes only. This information may be disclosed to other organizations anywhere in the world for these purposes. Although efforts are made to maintain confidentiality, this cannot be guaranteed.
- Illinois Tech and OTS, as the resource providers and computer grid operators, are entitled to regulate and terminate a user’s access for administrative, operational, and/or security purposes, and the user shall immediately comply with such instructions.
- The user is liable for the consequences of any and all violations of these conditions of use.
Submit Node User Policies
Because Illinois Tech’s submit nodes are shared by many university researchers, any user with an account on GridIIT’s and/or the OSG’s submit node should follow the below-listed policies in order to keep the submit nodes functional and usable by everyone:
- Do not share accounts. Sharing accounts is against Illinois Tech policy. Accounts that are being shared will immediately be disabled and a meeting with the researcher or faculty adviser will be necessary to reinstate the account.
- Data Practices: Illinois Tech does not back up data on GridIIT’s or the OSG’s submission point, and thus users should treat GridIIT and the OSG computer systems only as temporary storage locations for active work. Users should remove data from GridIIT and the OSG systems upon the completion of computational work.
- Do not run programs on the submit node. The submit node is only used for managing HTCondor jobs. Computational work, like compiling code, should be submitted as HTCondor jobs. Please contact the GridIIT Administrator at rdc-support@iit.edu if you require assistance with submitting jobs. Small scripts and commands (e.g., to compress data, create directories, etc.) that run within a few minutes on the submit node are acceptable, but their use should be minimized.
- Jobs with Long Runtimes: There is a default run limit of 24 hours for each job queued in the HTCondor system once it starts running. Jobs that run longer than 24 hours will be placed in HTCondor’s “hold” state. If the job will run longer than 24 hours, please email the GridIIT Administrator at rdc-support@iit.edu to determine the best solution.
- Submitting Many Jobs from One Submit File: HTCondor is designed to submit thousands of jobs from one submit file. However, submitting too many jobs at once provides no extra benefit to the user and could make the queue go more slowly.
- There is a 20GB default disk-quota in the user’s home directory.
- Submitting Jobs with “Large” Files: Please do not submit jobs that require single-input files larger than 20MB using HTCondor’s normal file transfer mechanism (“transfer_input_files”) or that produce output files greater than about 3 gigabytes.
- No Scheduled Jobs. Please do not use cron to schedule jobs or submit jobs with a script that uses “sleep” or otherwise won’t be completed during the period the user is logged in.