Illinois Tech Magazine

Letter from the Alumni Board Chair

Illinois Tech alum and Alumni Association Board Chair Bob Hoel

There is always a palpable energy that comes with a new academic year. This time around, though, it feels momentous. 

Coming off of an impressive 2023–24, it is evident that Illinois Institute of Technology students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends remain committed to our founding purpose: to harness the power of collective difference to advance technology and innovation for all. The most innovative solutions of tomorrow are taking shape, and the catalyst for that is starting right here at our university!

It is no secret that the work at this great institution has defined—and redefined—entire categories and industries. The idea that the possibilities born at Illinois Tech can have a lasting effect on the world is one that our alumni live and breathe every day. We’re not waiting around for a brighter future, we’re all here creating it—together. That is both our legacy and our future. 

This past spring we celebrated more than 2,500 graduates at Illinois Tech’s 155th Commencement ceremony—a perfect representation of Illinois Tech’s “why.” We give our students more than a degree—we give them experience and practical knowledge that they can put into action! And, in turn, they have the resources to kickstart their next chapter, using their degree(s) as the ultimate tool to inspire ingenuity. Illinois Tech is devoted to amplifying the most inventive minds and ingenious spirits of our time to represent and advance humanity around the world.

I am amazed at how our community continues to empower the next generation of thinkers, doers, and innovators. Alumni play an important role in the success of our students, specifically through our mentorship program. Mentorship provides students with a professional resource who can help them navigate their academic and career paths, and is a way to refine students’ professional skills while obtaining guidance for their academic, professional, and personal development. We are always looking for alumni volunteers to participate and lend their expertise to students. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to Illinois Tech and get some face-time with today’s students. You might be surprised: these bright, inventive minds may inspire you, too.

Another incredible way to recognize the impact of our community is at alumni events such as Illinois Tech’s Homecoming Weekend! From honoring our most notable alumni at the Alumni Awards ceremony, inducting the newest members of the Athletics Hall of Fame, and reconnecting with classmates at the reunion tent, Homecoming is an important time for Scarlet Hawks to celebrate our shared achievements together. You can learn more about all upcoming events and opportunities at

I thank you, fellow alumni, for staying connected to Illinois Tech. Within each of us is the power to make a meaningful difference with measurable impact. Whether you choose to give back in time, talent, or treasure, I am confident that your generosity is transforming the students at Illinois Tech and beyond. I look forward to seeing all that we continue to accomplish together.


Bob Hoel (BE ’70)
Trustee, Board of Trustees
Chair, Alumni Association Board of Directors