Illinois Tech Votes
Voter Registration
Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. Be sure you are ready to cast your ballot on Election Day. Only United States citizens who are 18 years of age on or before the date of the general election are eligible to register to vote. In Illinois, you may vote in the Primary if you are 17, but will be 18-years-old on or before the General Election. For those students who are not citizens of the U.S., however, you are encouraged to follow the election and watch the results so that you can learn more about the political process in the U.S.
Are you registered to vote? Check here Get registered to vote National Voter Registration Day
Everything you need to know about casting your ballot early or on Election Day.
Where is your Chicago polling place? Don’t vote in Chicago? Find your polling place here Early Voting Locations in Chicago So you want to vote by mail? Click here Request absentee ballots here
Voter Engagement/Education
Use these nonpartisan resources to learn about Election Day! Here you can research candidates, learn how to increase voter turnout with text messaging, or even get paid to be an election judge.
Want to help Get Out the Vote? Learn about the All In to Vote challenge Research the candidates and make a sample ballot Get paid to be an election judge
U.S. Census
The deadline to complete the U.S. Census was October 15, 2020. This population count determines how many representatives each state will have in Congress for the following 10 years and how much federal funding communities will receive for roads, schools, housing, and social programs. You can view the census results here: