Federal Agencies

Funding Opportunities

Subscription Services

  • FedBizOpps.gov - Listings for federal funding opportunities.
  • Federal Register - Federal information archive containing details on federal funding opportunities.
  • Grant Forward - A specialized data-crawling technology with an extensive database of sponsors and funding opportunities.
  • Grants.gov – Funding opportunities for all 26 federal agencies.
  • National Science Foundation - Get NSF funding information via email or by RSS.
  • Proposal Central - Funding opportunities from professional societies and foundations.

Select Federal Agencies

Note : Links with an asterisk (*) have a subscription service to receive funding opportunities via email. There is no fee to sign up for this service.

Limited Submission Grant Competitions

Some sponsors have limits on the number of proposals that may be submitted from an organization. In these cases, an internal selection process is required to determine which proposals will go forward. Faculty wishing to participate are required to submit a pre-proposal (details at the bottom of this page) for an internal competition. If your proposal is selected to move forward, your proposal may require an internal or “red team” review. Additional information will be provided at the time of selection.

You can find a list of proposals known to limit the number of submissions, the sponsor deadlines, and the internal deadlines for pre-proposals here. Instructions for submitting a pre-proposal follow this list.


A complete list of NSF limited submissions can be found here.

Select Foundations

Internal Funding Opportunities (ERIF, WISER, Starr/Fieldhouse, CISC)

Illinois Tech provides research faculty with opportunities to apply for internal funding for proposed research projects.

Awards (Sigma Xi/IIT, Toprani)

Fellowships and Scholarships (for Faculty, Undergraduates, Graduates and Post-Doctoral)

In addition to federal funding opportunities, non-federal organizations also provide fellowships and scholarships for research, student funding, and professional advancement. For more details, click here.