Information for Faculty

Submit your Fall 2024 proposal here before August 16, 2024 at 12pm.

RES-MATCH provides support for energetic undergraduate or master’s students to do research in your laboratory. RES-MATCH projects also offer a pathway for you to prepare data or perform an experiment for a grant application or pursue a new area of research.

By participating in RES-MATCH, you can define a biomedical science or biomedical engineering research project with a student. All Illinois Institute of Technology faculty members are encouraged to apply. 

The Pritzker Institute will provide support of up $500 for project-related consumables, as well as, following successful completion of the project, one of the following for the faculty mentor in the following fiscal year:

  • $1,500 that can be used for a graduate student stipend OR
  • $1,000 that can be used for research-related expenses

Your project proposal should detail clear milestones achievable within one academic session.

Students recommended by faculty for RES-MATCH must be:

  • Illinois Tech undergraduates or master's students, and
  • New to the faculty member's laboratory (RES-MATCH is not intended as a means of supporting students currently working in a faculty member’s laboratory).

Here’s how it works: 

  1. You submit a semester-long research project proposal for an undergraduate student or master’s student in the field of biomedical science or engineering, and your proposal is reviewed for approval
  2. You attend a virtual presentation session in which you present one slide in one minute that describes your project to students
  3. Interested students contact you
  4. You recommend a RES-MATCH student for project approval
  5. You directly mentor the student during the semester
  6. Upon successful completion of the project, you are awarded, as above

Please contact Michael Barry ( for further details or any questions about the suitability of any project or idea.

Submit your proposal here!