Log into Canvas without Illinois Tech ID

IMPORTANT NOTE: For all subsequent logins, please use https://iit.instructure.com/login/canvas.

  1. Go to https://iit.instructure.com/login/canvas.
  2. Click on "Forgot Password?".
    01 Click on Forgot Password
  3. Enter your email address and click on "Request Password".
      02 Click on Request Password
  4. You will receive an email including a link to reset your password. Click on "Click here to set a new password".
      03 Click on Click here to set a new password.
  5. You will be directed to a new page to create a password. Enter your password and click on "Update Password".
      04 Change Password
  6. You will be directed to a new page to set up a Multi-Factor Authentication method on your Canvas account. Enter your mobile number in the field provided and click on "Send". You will receive a 6-digit verification code to your mobile phone. Enter that code in the "Verification Code" field and click on "Verify".
      05 Canvas MFA
  7. Now you should be able to access all your courses in your Canvas dashboard.
07 Second time login MFA
06 Access your Courses in Dashboard

If you have any questions, please contact supportdesk@iit.edu.