Faculty Handbook


IIT's Faculty Handbook provides a body of basic information for members of the academic staff at Illinois Institute of Technology. This compilation includes those procedures, policy statements and regulations that are of particular concern to members of IIT's faculty and academic administration. It does not purport to be a comprehensive documentation of all university matters. It is intended that this handbook will provide introductory information about the university to new members of IIT's faculty and will also serve as a convenient reference for all faculty members.

The information in this handbook is subject to change according to the process detailed in Appendix P. Changes will be duly published.


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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Mission
  3. Academic Governance
  4. Conditions of Academic Appointment
  5. Professional Concerns
  6. Faculty Responsibilities
  7. Responsibilities in Student-Faculty Relationships
  8. Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence
  9. Terminations
  10. Compensation, Personnel Records and Benefits Offered


  1. Constitution of the Faculty of Illinois Institute of Technology
  2. By-Laws of the Faculty of Illinois Institute of Technology
  3. Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
  4. Suggested Outline for the Preparation of Curriculum Vitae
  5. Procedures for the Search for, and the Review of, Academic Deans and Directors
  6. Procedures for Selection, Retention, and Replacement of Department Chairs
  7. Procedures for the Search for Provost
  8. IIT Policy on Joint Faculty Appointments
  9. Procedures for Addressing Faculty Academic Grievances
  10. Suspension and Termination of Faculty Members
  11. Patent and Copyright Policy
  12. Review of Alleged Research Misconduct
  13. Policy on Sexual Harassment
  14. Privacy Rights and Access to Educational Records
  15. Honorific Title: Distinguished Professor
  16. Process for Changes in Policy, Procedure, and Curriculum, and for Elimination of Degrees and Programs
  17. Policies and Procedures Relating to Non-Tenure Track Ranks
  18. Standards for Extending the Probationary Period of Tenure-Track Faculty
  19. Authorship


This Supplement is not included in the Faculty Handbook, and it contains policies that do not require faculty approval. It is a compilation of administrative policies that apply to IIT faculty members, staff, and students. The policies contained in this Supplement do not include all such administrative policies; rather, they include those likely to be of particular relevance or interest to faculty members.

The compilation of administrative policies included in this supplement is listed below. 

  1. Student Policies
    1. Academic Honesty Policy
    2. Student Code of Conduct
    3. Policy on Varsity Athletics
  2. Faculty Benefit Policies
    1. Faculty Family Policy
    2. Policy for Summer Salary Charged to Sponsored Projects
    3. Tuition Remission Taxation Policy
  3. Selected Items from the Policies and Procedures Handbook
    1. Reservations and Use of University Facilities on the IIT Main Campus
    2. Reservations and Use of IIT Facilities at the Conviser Law Center
    3. Insurance Claims Filing Procedure
    4. Equipment Losses
    5. Safety, Identification, Classification and Handling of Hazardous Materials and Waste
    6. Disposal of Surplus Goods or Obsolete Equipment
    7. Insurance Requirements for Third Parties
    8. Proposals for Sponsored Projects
    9. Publications Policy, Names and Seals
    10. Travel
    11. Graduate College: Stipends and Graduate Assistants
    12. Administrator and Non-Investigator Faculty Member Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy
    13. Investigator Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy
    14. Prohibition on the Acceptance of Gifts
    15. Investigations and Complaints
    16. Authority for Negotiation and Approval of Contracts
    17. Use of Technology Resources
    18. Record and E-mail Retention
    19. Requests from Law Enforcement
    20. Faculty Companies
    21. Student Travel Policy
    22. Social Media Policy
    23. Volunteers and Unpaid Interns
  4. Selected Safety Committee Policies
    1. Incident Investigation Policy and Incident Investigation Form
    2. Laboratory and Workshop Safety Policy
    3. Laboratory Safety Inspection Policy
    4. Chemical Hygiene Policy for Lab Safety Standards
    5. Vacant Laboratory Guide
  5. Academic Related Policies
    1. Appointment of Part-time and Adjunct Faculty
    2. Honorary Degree Policy
    3. Joint Degree Programs
    4. Research Associate and Senior Research Associate Appointment Responsibilities and Procedures
    5. Visiting Researcher - Appointment Responsibilities and Procedures
    6. Interdisciplinary Degree Policy
    7. Policy on Joint Appointments with External Entities
    8. Faculty Search Procedures
    9. Endowed Chair Policy
    10. PI Eligibility
  6. Business and Operation Related Policies
    1. Political Activity on Campus Policy
    2. IIT Purchasing Manual
    3. Standards of Ethics and Business Conduct
  7. Services for Faculty
    1. Support Services for University Activities
    2. Communications
    3. Auxiliary Activities and Services
    4. IIT Accommodations and Amenities